Thursday, May 28, 2009

Been too lazy to blog, I guess...

Hi! Its been forever since I have blogged. I created the blog, blogged a few times, and then got lazy. LOL Just wanted to let everyone know I still plan on blogging but just have been too busy/lazy to blog. Right now, I am sitting outside in the sun watching the kiddos swim in the little pool! NO pictures because my girls are naked because I forgot their swim suits today, but its ok because we are in the privacy of my sister's backyard. LOL! I promise more later!! Got to keep a close eye on the kids!
thats it for now!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Its been an interesting start of the week...

Well, I have to say that my week has turned out a little different than the normal. First of all, since its been raining none stop the past several days, we have had to stay inside all week. So, the kids have been crazy and driving this mommy crazy as well.

During the Monday night, Anna woke up crying from her bed and came to sleep with us. Nothing out of the ordinary. A couple hours later, she woke up crying and sat straight up and gross stuff starting coming out of her mouth. In our bed, in the middle of the night. GROSS! We cleaned up as good as we could being half asleep and went back to sleep. Anna woke up Tuesday morning with a fever :( Long story short, she had one more episode of vomiting and ran a fever for the majority of Tuesday. She proved to be OK by the evening and woke up just fine today!

In my life, it seems to be one thing after the next and we are always contacting our doctor for advice. Guess what? Ashlee woke up this morning with a red crusty eye. So now we are battling an eye infection. Whats next?

We are considering the idea of selling our house and moving to Edmond! Therefore, I have been trying to get my house just perfect and going through tons of JUNK that needed to be thrown away! That's what my day consisted of, and of course taking care of the kiddos! This evening since we were unable to go to church, the girls and I were doing some outside work and Ash discovered a Roley Polly. She loved it. She named him Frederick. LOL I don't know where she came up with that but all night I heard her talking to "Frederick". It was too cute!

That's about it for today!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A rainy day with my inlaws!

We had so much stuff planned to do around the house today, but guess what? Nothing got done. The wonderful rain we have been receiving changed our plans for today. We were needing to get our garage cleaned out so badly, but it didn't happen. Oh well! Maybe next weekend.

Instead, I woke up with my husband asking me if we wanted to go to the Bagel Shop with his parents this morning. Before I knew it we were sitting there eating bagels and all our plans were out the door. Overall the bagels were so yummy.

I made it to the baby shower that was this afternoon that I didn't think I was going to be able to go to but the rain allowed me to go. It was a nice shower and can't wait to meet little Elizabeth Mendoza!

Returning to my in laws where my hubby had stayed while me and my girls enjoyed the shower, we sat and visited with my in laws for the afternoon. They blessed us with a nice steak dinner that was so good! After dinner we watched Fireproof! They had never seen it so we decided to watch it again. It is so good, I could probably watch it over and over again.

It was a good day. I didn't take any pictures today, so no pictures to share. I should have because we were stuck inside of Sam's while it was pouring and hailing for quite some time. I wasn't about to go out in it so we just explored Sam's for awhile until the storm passed!

Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday tomorrow. Looking forward to a good day in church with our awesome church family!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mother/Daughter Banquet!

Tonight, Ashlee and I went to the Mother/Daughter banquet at our church! Yes, you read it right. I didn't take Anna because she would have been hard to keep quite and still, so I figure if I wanted to enjoy it that I would just take Ashlee this year. Little did I know that Abbie was going to stay in the nursery during the speaker. Oh well, Anna didn't realize what she missed.

Ashlee and I had a great time at the banquet. We started the evening out by getting all ready for the "ball" Ashlee asked me if we were going to a "ball" so I thought I would make it fun for her and tell her yes we are going to a ball! I gave both the girls a bath this afternoon and after Ash got out we decided we were going to fix her hair special for the occasion. I blowed dried it, which I never do and tried to curl it with a straightener (that's all I have). The curling part didn't work out so well, but Ashlee loved it and she was all ready to go to the ball.

We headed out the door and Anna began to cry and wanted to go with us. I think she noticed all the special attention her sister was getting from mommy. So, this made me feel a little guilty for leaving her behind, but she had a fun night planned with her daddy as they went on a date. Their plans kind of got ruined because of the rain. Daddy was planning on taking her to a OU baseball game but instead they ended up at a Chinese restaurant and did some shopping at Home depot and Best Buy. They had a great time and I later found out my husband called my grandma to see if she wanted to join them. LOL! So, my hubby went on a date with his almost 2 year old daughter and my 70+ year old grandma. Oh, I love my hubby! He is so thoughtful. He knew my grandma wouldn't be doing anything and maybe wanted to get out of the house. Or he needed help with Anna? They had fun as well!

I really enjoyed being able to take my own daughter to the banquet. I long for that special mom/daughter relationship that is just beginning in my life. I hope to be a best friend to both of my daughters. All the fun times are just beginning and I can't wait to see how my girls are going to mature. God really took the sorrow that I feel with the loss of my mom and replaced it the thankfulness that I have two DAUGHTERS of my own and to share this holiday with them. Not that I don't miss my mom. God is just helping me see a different side of Mother's Day. Kind of confusing, don't know if it makes any sense. LOL! All in all, I am thankful for all God has done for me these past couple of years.

I want to share this photo with you. I wanted to make this night as special as it could be so at 9:45pm I asked Ashlee if she wanted to go her favorite thing! What was I thinking?

We went to Braum's! We had a great night!