Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
It has been a great year for me! Of course, it's had the not so good moments but overall I would say that 2010 was pretty good for me!
2010 Highlights for ME
1. JETT's arrival in April
2. New house in Feb
3. many, many more little blessings

We had a great Christmas and enjoyed spending time with family and friends throughout the season! The girls were so much fun this year as they are getting older and got so excited! Jett surprised me. I didn't think he would have much to do with opening gifts, but he LOVED it! He would just tear into the paper and play and play with it! He didn't really care about what was inside the package but loved the tearing of paper.LOL
This year my cousin Tara was able to come home from Georgia for over 2 weeks. It has been so much fun hanging out with her. I miss her so much and wish one day she would be able to move back home. We grew up together and hopefully one day we will be able to live close again!

I am looking forward to 2011 and all it has in store for us! Back to normal routine in just a few short days and I'm not looking forward to it. As the girls will go back to school, the holidays over, tara goes home, and I go back to work........doesn't sound like much fun to me but its life and look forward to the next year ahead of us as we begin 2011!
Happy New Year!