Monday, July 20, 2009

Ramblings on how Anna isn't a baby anymore...

Taking a break from my busy, hectic life. Here lately it seems like we have been doing nothing but running constantly and getting home at around 10pm or later. By the time we get in bed its usually around 11:30-midnight before I finally lay my head down to rest. Just to wake back up at around 5:45 to be at my sis's house by 6:45. OK, so now do you see why I haven't blog all that much lately? But I am enjoying the life God has given me!

Well, tomorrow is going to be a bittersweet day. My little Anna Banana is turning 2. Yikes, she isn't a baby anymore. Well, technically she hasn't been a baby in a while but hitting 2 just seems like she is way to old already. She is growing up on me. Last Saturday, she spent the night with Grammy and paapa and didn't want to go home with me. That's when it really hit me that my baby is gone and she is turning into a little girl. She wanted to do just what her sister was doing and spend the night. I went to pick her up at 1PM that evening after working up at the church and she refused to go home with me, so I went to Walmart to burn some time while Mikel was finishing up his get together with his friends. I got a phone call at WalMart saying she had went right to sleep and she was fine and they would see me in the morning. Oh, i couldn't believe it. the only other time i had left her overnight was when we went on our cruise but she was willing to do that. she just woke up and we were gone one morning, poor baby! Ok, enough rambling how Anna isn't a baby anymore.

Last week was VBS, at our church and Ashlee really enjoyed it. She said her favorite part was music, which was no surprise because she loves to sing! Ok, now back to Anna not being a baby anymore, she will be in VBS next year. Holy Cow, how time flies. I helped Ms. Brandy in the 3rd and 4th grade class and really enjoyed it. We had a great week at VbS.

We have been able to do lots of fun things this summer. Hopefully, sometime I will be able to do a recap of this summer and all it entitles. Its almost over :(

Ashlee will be starting Pre-K this year, so that will be a new chapter in her life! She is so excited to get to go to "Kristen's School" Kristen went to Pre-K at the same school so that's why she thinks its Kristen's school.

Ok, I am going to try to get to bed a little earlier tonight than normal since we have a big day tomorrow!

Here are a few pictures.........

Ok, now for the last picture and was a major highlight of the previous month...
The Rockets Over Rhema Festival with Matthew West!!


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